Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cardamom & Cinnamon Infused Farina, Nuts & Honey

Cardamom & Cinnamon Infused Farina with Honey & Nuts 
Recipe follows 


4 servings 
1 C milk or soy, rice or almond milk
2  1/2 C water
simmer water & milk with these spices: 1 Tbs Cardamom seeds, 1 cinnamon stick,
pinch of cloves, nutmeg, allspice, sea salt
Stir in 1 C Farina (wheat or rice)
Stir on low until it thickens about 5-10 minutes
Add 3 Tbs Ground Golden Flax meal (optional but healthy)
3 Tbs Wheat Germ (optional but healthy)
2 Tbs Butter or extra virgin coconut oil
Sweeten with brown sugar, or sugar, honey, agave nectar, stevia top with toasted nuts
you can also add raisins or apple slices your choice.
Read about the health benefits of Cardamom
*Tip click on Read more
* You can buy farina in an East Indian Market maybe (organic) it is called Sooji, creamy wheat farina. But this company in India is making an effort to eliminate Round Up and GMO from their lands
"24 m a n t r a   organic" good for them .  I also make a bigger batch than 
we need and keep it in the fridge. Then warm it up in the oven or on stove with a little more milk
and butter is great in it too. I add the extra flax  & wheat germ for the nutrient value.
My friends love this, so I premixed all the sweet dry spices, with the farina and packaged it in containers for them, this might be good for you too, if you have to dart out of the house. 
Just add water and milk to the mix and you have a great breakfast fast. You can leave out 
the milk but milk gives the farina a creamy pudding richness.

Information below was gathered from wikipedia always see you doctor if you are ill, but hey
it doesn't hurt to add spices to your diet that may have health benefits, plus they taste great! 

Traditional Medicine

Green cardamom in South Asia is broadly used to treat infections in teeth and gums, to prevent and treat throat troubles, congestion of the lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of eyelids and also digestive disorders. It also is used to break up kidney stones and gall stones, and was reportedly used as an antidote for both snake and scorpion venom.Amomum is used as a spice and as an ingredient in traditional medicine in systems of the traditional Chinese medicine in China, in Ayurveda in India, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.Species in the genus Amomum are also used in traditional Indian medicine. Among other species, varieties and cultivars, Amomum villosum cultivated in China, Laos and Vietnam is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat stomach-aches, constipation, dysentery, and other digestion problems. "Tsaoko" cardamom Amomum tsao-ko is cultivated in Yunnan, China and northwest Vietnam, both for medicinal purposes and as a spice. Increased demand since the 1980s, principally from China, for both Amomum villosum and Amomum tsao-ko has provided a key source of income for poor farmers living at higher altitudes in localized areas of China, Laos and Vietnam, people typically isolated from many other markets. Until recently, Nepal has been the world's largest producer of large cardamom. Guatemala has become the world's largest producer and exporter of cardamom, with an export total of US$137.2 million for 2007.

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